Securiport, a global leader in the civil aviation and passenger security systems, reported that it has recently presented its intelligent analytics-driven solutions and conceptual management approach for improved integrated immigration control at the Frontex Workshop on innovative technologies, applications, and products for border security. The mission of Frontex – the European Border and Coast Guard Agency – is to promote, coordinate and develop European border management in line with the EU fundamental rights charter and the concept of Integrated Border Management. While the responsibility for the management of the external borders remains primarily with the Member States, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency supports border control at land, air and sea borders by reinforcing, assessing and coordinating actions of member states at the external borders of the European Union. It coordinates the deployment of technical equipment (vessels, helicopters and boats) and specialized border guards to those EU countries which face an increased migratory pressure.
The workshop, which was held for high-level European security officials was led by Securiport’s Dr. Attila Freska, COO, and Mr. Nathan Carpenter, Chief Software Architect, who showcased the need to leverage a combination of current best practices and emerging 21st century technologies such as machine learning, pattern detection, and advanced threat modeling to ensure the safety of arriving and departing passengers at airports and predictively forecast local and transnational criminal activities, including generating profiles on potential offenders. Securiport shared the approaches that its researchers and engineers are using to develop big data solutions for advanced near-real-time threat modeling, detection, assessment, and remediation.
Securiport discussed how its Integrated Immigration Control System (IICS) provides tools in support of current best practices, enabling decision support for the immigration officer driven by travel document validation, identity fraud detection, checking against Interpol and local watchlists, and multi-modal traveler biometric analysis. Immigration officers and supervisors are presented with a cohesive picture of all travelers moving across the border, whether through manned posts or through Securiport’s Automated Border Control eGates. Securiport maximizes traveler experience while providing the officers with warnings when a possible threat is detected.
Securiport showcased how its Intelligent Information Management System (IIMS) enables expert-driven threat detection, allowing integration of immigration, governmental, open source, and unstructured data into virtual data sets that create a basis for analysis. Experts can create rules-driven profiles against these virtual data sets to analyze and identify Persons of Interest (POIs). These rules then inform the authorities when POIs are traveling and provide additional decision support information to the officers monitoring the immigration or border control system. A small number of experts can, therefore, support a large number of immigration officers – a 21st century solution.