Dr. Enrique Segura

President & Chief Executive Officer

With more than 40 years of experience managing large international companies providing services to governments, Dr. Enrique Segura has led Securiport from its inception to become a global company with over 500 employees. He is also the Chairman of the ENSE Group, a holding company that retains a majority interest in its seven companies, with operations and facilities in more than 120 countries worldwide. Previously, he served as the President and CEO of SWIPCO USA, providing procurement services to governments; CEO of ICS Inspection and Control Services Ltd., a company established to provide governments with services designed to increase their customs revenues; and President and CEO of Pricesaroundtheworld.com, an Internet company providing comparative price information through its website. He has worked as an economist for the Inter-American Development Bank and as a financial officer for industrial sector projects for the World Bank. Dr. Segura’s diplomatic assignments include serving as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Uganda in Argentina, President’s Envoy for the Government of Gabon, and Good Will Ambassador of the Republic of The Gambia. Dr. Segura has published various articles including in the publications of G7 2022 and in the G20 2022, titled “Biometrics and data: ensuring the safety of transnational borders” and “Smart borders for a globalized world” respectively.  He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. He is a founding board member and former president of the Trust for the Americas of the Organization on American States. He is a member of the Dean’s Council of the Harvard Kennedy School and a member of the Advisory Board for the Latin America Program of the Wilson Center. In 2023, he became a member of the Advisory Board for the Washington Airports Task Force. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics and an MBA from Autónoma University, Madrid, Spain, and is a graduate of the Harvard Business School.

Erwin Flores

Senior Advisor

With more than 35 years of senior role experience, Mr. Flores serves as an advisor, following his role as a COO of Securiport. Mr. Flores was also the COO of Alex Stewart International, directing, and supervising government contracts for the auditing of minerals and precious metals. Mr. Flores was the Executive Vice President of SWIPCO USA, an international procurement company, and of ICS Inspection and Control Services Ltd., a company pro viding governments services to increase customs revenues. With a degree in Physics from American University in Washington, D.C, Mr. Flores long standing career led him to work on spacecraft operations systems for NASA and INTELSAT

Dr. Attila Freska

Chief Strategy Officer

Dr. Attila Freska has over 30 years of experience managing and growing global businesses. Prior to joining Securiport, he held senior management positions in Europe, Asia, and the United States with companies, including Johnson & Johnson, Deloitte Consulting, Owens-Illinois, and American Capital. Additionally, he has started a number of entrepreneurial ventures and has supported numerous non-profit endeavors. Dr. Freska holds a Ph.D. in International Business from Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary, an MBA from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, a Bachelor’s degree from the California State University, and is also a Certified Management Accountant (CMA).

Roberto Leandro Olie

Chief Operating Officer

As the Chief Operating Officer since 2018, Mr. Olie leads the project management cycles, from conception to budgeting and implementation for Securiport’s operations. With more than 18 years in developing and managing technology projects and solutions for government clients, Mr. Olie extensive experience in global operations extends to the implementation of operational KPIs and the development of various Securiport projects as well as solutions. Mr Olie began his career at Securiport as an Engineering Manage r supporting global operations. Mr. Olie obtained an Engineering degree in Information Systems from National Technological University (UTNFRC) in Cordoba, Argentina, holds multiple technical certifications and Patents, and is fluent in three languages.

Federico Sanchez

Chief Financial Officer

Since 2009, Mr. Sanchez has served as the Chief Financial Officer given his expertise in financial planning, reporting, taxation, and restructuring. Prior to his CFO role, he served as the Regional Director for Securiport in West Africa. Mr. Sanchez career extends to key roles in telecommunications, technology, and industrial sectors for firms such as British Telecom, the Knorr – Bremse Group, and the TeliaSo nera Group. Mr. Sanchez worked in Europe, Africa, and South America; and has earned an MBA from the IESE Business school in Spain, a Master’s Degree in Financial Analysis from Universidad Carlos III, Spain, and a Bachelor in Accounting and Finance from Univ ersidad Catolica de Cuyo in Argentina.

Denise Fancio

Corporate Treasurer

As a founding member, Ms. Fancio has been responsible for the company budget planning and execution , and serves as Securiport’s Corporate Secretary, performing board administrative functions. Formerly with Ciba – Geigy (now Novartis), in Sao Paulo, Brazil, she was responsible for preparing financial/economic analyses of prospective commercial and industrial clients. Ms. Fancio has also worked as a price analyst for ICS Inspection and Control Services Ltd. She holds a degree in Economics from the University of Sao Luis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and studied Business Accounting at the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Sao Paulo. She completed the Business Environment Session of the Harvard Business School OPM Program.

Marcelo Motta

Chief Information Officer

As the Chief Information Officer, Mr. Marcelo Motta leads the product development division responsible for the conceptualization, design, and development of the company’s systems, including identity management, automated border control, advanced passenger information, and visa management. Mr. Motta has been leading Securiport’s Technology division for more than 20 years as he has played an instrumental role in the creation of the Securiport core tech programs. Mr. Mot ta has extensive experience working with government clients and managing nationwide systems. Prior to Securiport, Mr. Motta started his career as Systems Architect for several technology companies and has provided technical solutions to such as T – Mobile and the Inter – American Development Bank.

Nate Carpenter

Chief Technology Officer

As Chief Technology Officer , Mr. Nate Carpenter oversees the company’s technology roadmap, partnerships, and R&D initiatives. With his extensive experience in systems design and development delivering products and architecting and developing complex systems for government and commercial customers , he define s Securiport’s technical vision . Mr. Carpenter held multiple roles including with Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Carpenter has expertise in multiple programming languages and technology stacks and h as been a sought – out speaker at CNBC Power Lunch, South Africa Radio, the Frontex, JavaOne, and the Borland Developer’s Conference. Mr. Carpenter has multiple patents and holds degrees in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in addition to Software Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.

Judith Michalski

Chief Compliance Officer

As the Chief Compliance Officer, Ms. Michalski oversees Securiport’s compliance policy, ensuring that the company adheres to US regulatory requirements and internal policies. She is responsible for identifying and evaluating compliance risks within the company and implementing controls to mitigate those risks. With more than 20 years of experience, Ms. Michalski has been with the company since its formation, previously serving as the Director of Business Development. Ms. Michalski has worked for both private companies and non – profit associations and has worked in the communications field . She holds graduate degrees from Northwestern University and The Catholic University of America.

Kenneth Quinn

Advisor of the CEO

As the Senior Advisor to Securiport’s CEO, Mr. Quinn brings more than 30 years’ experience as a top-ranked aviation lawyer providing services to international airlines, airports, aerospace companies, security companies, aircraft lessors, and private equity firms. For the past 25 years, Mr Quinn has served as General Counsel & Secretary of the Flight Safety Foundation.   He formerly served as Counselor to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, where he was Chair of the DOT Task Force on Aviation Security and Intelligence.  He also served as Chief Counsel of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  He was appointed to serve as Vice Chair of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Task Force on Safety Information Protection. He is a Partner at the U.K.-based law firm of Clyde & Co in their Washington, D.C. office.  He formerly served as Chair of the ABA Forum on Air & Space Law, and as President of the International Aviation Club.  He is on the Board of Governors of Army Navy Country Club.  A Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Mr. Quinn is a sought-out speaker in the industry, including at IATA, McGill Institute of Air and Space Law,  the International Institute of Air and Space Law at Leiden University, and in the broadcast, podcast, social, and print media.  Mr. Quinn holds a J.D. (with Honors) from DePaul University College of Law, and a B.S. in Finance from Northern Illinois University.