ThreatSphere, Securiport methodology presented at Interpol
As one of the longstanding collaborators of Interpol, Securiport exhibited at the Forum which was organized by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Forum was held at the headquarters in Lyon France from December 13 and 14th of 2022 and brought together various border control experts from around the world to discuss the latest technology solutions, approaches for efficient implementation and procedures to enable greater cooperation amongst states including but not limited to Cote d’Ivoire, Singapore and United States. The United Nations Counter Terrorism Office, ICAO, IATA and many heads of Interpol were present to share with participants the advancement in tackling challenges with API/PNR.
Securiport’s team who attended the forum were Nate Carpenter the Chief Technology Officer and Rahel Getachew the Director of Marketing and Communications. As Securiport leads in the industry of border control and civil aviation solutions, Securiport Chief Technology Officer Nate Carpenter presented its innovative ThreatSphere model. With Securiport’s expertise in border security systems, Mr. Carpenter shared with participants ThreatSphere unique methodology to address and manage Advanced Passenger Information.
A methodology created by Securiport, ThreatSphere explores the importance of aggregating data sources in a centralized manner to utilize analytics tools to assess threats and determine risk levels. Without the availability of data, or with scattered, hidden and siloed data, the complexity for authorities to determine threats would be cumbersome and prone to error. Securiport continues to advance that laws, policy, and procedure need to be consistent to have the tools, data, and policy align to effectively identify threats through risk assessment. Mr. Carpenter shares “I’m honored to be speaking at the 2nd Interpol-ICAO Passenger Data Exchange Forum. API and PNR data are critical to securing borders, and collaborating with the leading experts from Interpol, the United Nations, ICAO, IATA, and the government authorities made for an exciting and informative two days. I’m happy to represent Securiport and to present our ThreatSphere approach to help the authorities in establishing a risk assessment strategy.”